Quote from naturevrm.eth on 25. January 2022, 12:51Avant-garde artistic movements of the past two centuries have much in common. Briefly, these currents tend to include a decreasing focus on technique and physicality, an increased focus on disruption, on ideals, on undiluted artistic inspiration, a rejection of tired historical narratives and a rejection of the status quo, and a pervasive dissatisfaction with the increasing alienation and dehumanization brought on by industrialization and modernity. This is the nature of transgressive art [...]
Read the complete article on the MOCA blog:
https://museumofcryptoart.medium.com/towards-m-c-2bbf9e97b971Let us know what you think in this thread
Avant-garde artistic movements of the past two centuries have much in common. Briefly, these currents tend to include a decreasing focus on technique and physicality, an increased focus on disruption, on ideals, on undiluted artistic inspiration, a rejection of tired historical narratives and a rejection of the status quo, and a pervasive dissatisfaction with the increasing alienation and dehumanization brought on by industrialization and modernity. This is the nature of transgressive art [...]
Read the complete article on the MOCA blog:
Let us know what you think in this thread